SECOF (Sociedad Europea de Cooperación Farmacéutica) es una sociedad anónima fundada bajo leyes españolas.
Cubre 8 países: Belgium, France, Germany, Grecia, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and Turkey a través de 6 sociedades.

Estas 6 compañías distribuyen a más de 42 000 farmacias comunitarias cada dia.

Our vision

Pharmacists provide many services to European citizens. As competent and available professionals, they orient and advise their patients,
making safe and secure the access to the medicines.

The place legitimately occupied by independent pharmacists is now questioned. Doctrinal deregulations or financial craving for the health sector is threatening.
In this context, cooperatives make it possible for their members to transform the anticipated evolutions into opportunities thanks to their common means.
For the independent pharmacists, their cooperative is a common dynamics in aid of their individual development.